Original and fun illustrated checkbooks to gift your partner, your friends, your kids or your mum! Surprise the ones you love with this colorful present containing 18 generous “actions” that the “recipient” will be able to “cash” whenever he/she wishes. Take a look at the pictures below and start to smile imagining the situations. (Click on each model too discover some of the checks)
Different models are available in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Catalan. Size: 18 cm x 8,5 cm (simulating the shape of a real bank checkbook)
Would you like to buy a checkbook for a friend? Would you like to distribute our Malmesos checkbooks in your city or country? Please, contact us.

Make your partner happy with irresistible actions such as: “a massage”, “an apology”, “taking the dog out (or the rubbish), “a sexual fantasy”, “a dinner with the in-laws” or “It’s my turn to cook, you relax on the sofa”. Generous “offers” that will certainly make you laugh and enhance your partner complicity. *Ideal for happy couples that have it all, or those in a crisis (of any kind). Available in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Catalan.
Surprise your best friend or colleague with this fun checkbook that includes generous “actions” such as: “watering your plants while you are on vacation”, “give you a hand with the move out”, “a fun night out”, “a Sunday-Evening-Blues rescue” or “a nice dinner at my place”. This checkbook becomes a laugh from the moment your friend opens it! Available in French, Italian, Spanish and Catalan.
And for “Mama“, prove your infinite generosity with this fun checkbook where “the new version of you” is the gift. Mum will be delighted cashing tempting checks such as: “good for helping you with a digital challenge”, “good for setting up de Gründskuld bookcase for you”, “good to take you out for a Sunday brunch”, “recognize you were right” o “calling you more often”. There’s also a blank check that mum will be happy to fill in freely. Be prepared ;). Available in French, Spanish and Catalan.
And for the little ones, turn the -up until now- impossible tasks into fun adventures. This checkbook contains 20 “missions” that the Superagent has to carry out successfully before getting his/her reward. Some of the irresistible prizes include: “going out on a field trip”, “baking a cake”, “getting to chose the haircut”, “invite a friend to spend the night over” o “chose what’s for dinner”. Take a look at the lovely illustrations! Available in French, Spanish and Catalan.